Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Gripen Demo Clears Leh Trials!

LiveFist is reporting today that the Gripen NG demo aircraft has been sent to Inida to go through the same trials that were made with Gripen D earlier this year. It landed at the Air Force Station Jamnagar, Gujarat on Monday, and cleared its high altitude trials in Leh today.

photo: Katsuhiko Tokunaga / SAAB
IAF pilots already got a chance to fly the Gripen Demo in the first week of April at Linkoping, Sweden, but calling the Demo airplane to India was necessary to complete all the demands in the field evaluation test (FET) plan.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gripen NG Demonstrator flight tests in progress

The flight test program with the Gripen NG Demonstrator continues according to plan at the Saab facilities in Linkoping.The latest flight, number 117 since the flight test programme started, was flown today.

Photo: Stefan Kalm / Saab

We are now testing all the tactical systems, such as the AESA radar and the new communications system. The test programme is very extensive, and the unusually harsh cold and snowy winter here in Sweden has challenged the programme schedule but we are now quickly catching up, says Mattias Bergström, the Gripen NG Demonstrator project manager.

We have finished, and successfully verified, the flight tests of the electro-optical Missile Approach Warning System (MAW) and the new fuel system with larger internal fuel tanks.

The Gripen NG is the next generation of the Gripen fighter, which is in service with the air forces of Sweden, the Czech Republic, Hungary and South Africa. It is also ordered by the Royal Thai Air Force and is flown by the Empire Test Pilots School, ETPS, in the UK.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Royal visit to Brazil

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

Swedish King Gustav and Queen Silvia are scheduled to travel to Brazil, arriving in the next 23 days, and in between workshops and a dinner with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the real agenda includes a visit to the headquarters of Embraer in Sao José dos Campos.

Although the visit has been scheduled for some time, the Swedish businessmen celebrate the fact that the king will be in Brazil, coincidentally, at the same time it is expected the announcement that billionaire contract involves the purchase of 36 new aircraft.

Full article including interview (in portuguese)
(Google translation)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

South African Air Force unveils new IRIS-T missile

The newly delivered IRIS-T air-to-air missile was shown to the public for the first time at the South African Air Force’s 90th anniversary parade held at AFB Swartkop, Pretoria.

Photo: Dean Wingrin
In 2008 the SAAF selected the IRIS-T as an interim short range air-to-air missile. It will ultimately be replaced by the indigenously designed and produced A-Darter, which is still under development.

Lt Gen Carlo Gagiano, Chief of the SAAF, said: “This missile is the state of the art high kill probability short range air missile with unrivalled performance capabilities which, when coupled to a helmet mounted display can engage air threats in the rear quarter of the aircraft as is the case with the SAAF Gripens”.

South Africa has ordered 26 Gripen state-of-the-art fighters which are modernising the SAAF’s fast jet fleet and capability. It currently operates nine dual seat Gripen D aircraft and will soon receive its first of 17 single-seat Gripen C fighters.


Gripen development

Spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

FMV (Swedish defence material authority) reports about further development of the Gripen.

Improvements in self-protection, a new light attack weapon and the capacity for data communications with ground units are examples of new capabilities included in the order that FMV added Saab AB today. The order is a step in the further development of Gripen and has a total value of approximately SEK 2 billion.

FMV delivered the last Gripen aircraft to the Swedish Armed Forces over a year ago. Now the maintenance and threat adaptation in accordance with the Armed Forces operational requirements. The work aims to make it possible to operate the JAS 39 Gripen fighter concept to 2040.

(Full source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

Saab receives order for development of Gripen

Defence and security company Saab has received an order from FMV (the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration) concerning development of the existing Gripen fleet. The order value amounts to SEK 2 billion for Saab, split over a period of four years.

Photo: Pia Ericson/FMV

The capability of the Swedish Air Force’s Gripen C/D aircraft is continuously subject to adjustment and upgrading in order that it can operate and remain effective and advanced also in the future. The order includes further adjustments for increased operational effect, like for instance upgraded countermeasure and communication systems. The order also includes other measures to further reduce the operating costs, based on experience gathered from more than 130,000 flight hours.

Also included is integration of new weapons, and the existing radar is gaining an increased range along with new functions. Improvements are also being introduced to reduce the noise and emissions from test runs during engine maintenance.

Work will mainly take place at Saab’s plants in Linköping, Gothenburg, Järfälla, Kista and Arboga.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Gripens Depart Sweden For Trials In India

Shiv Aroor writes on his blog LiveFist that two Gripens are now on their way to India for the final round of the evaluation for the MMRCA (medium multirole combat aircraft) competition.

IAF test pilots have already undergone intensive training on the aircraft and the aircraft have already undergone the first stage of trials in Linkoping in November 2009, which included flight performance, logistics capability, weapons systems, advanced sensors and weapons firing.


South African budget woes

Spotted by Swingrole at Military Photos Forum

AirForces Monthly reports that the South African Gripens will be mainly grounded due a lack of funds.

South African government’s strategic plan for defence for the next three years will see 550 hours flown by the Gripen fleet this year, but reduce to just 250 hours in 2011 and 2012.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Investor acquires 10.2 percent of Saab AB from BAE Systems

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

Today Investor announces that they will acquire shares in Saab AB from BAE Systems worth SEK 1,066 m. in total, corresponding to 10.2 percent of the capital.

...BAE Systems has also communicated its intention in due course to divest its remaining holding in Saab AB.

In 1995, Saab AB and BAE Systems created a 50/50 Joint Venture to develop and explore the Gripen Export business. Since then, Saab AB has gradually built up internal export sales competence relating to Gripen. In 2004, Saab AB assumed full responsibility for subsequent export campaigns and in 2005 BAE Systems reduced its ownership in Saab AB to 20.5 percent of the capital and 20.3 percent of the votes.

Related links:
Investor storhandlar i Saab - (Swedish)
Investor köper Saab-aktier - NyTeknik (Swedish)

New era for F 7

spotted by Caprice at Military Photos Forum

About thirteen years ago F7, as the first unit of the Armed Forces, started to fly the JAS 39 Gripen Version A. On Monday 1.div began its operations with the JAS 39 Gripen C. During four weeks, eight pilots were at F21 to train on the new airplane.

Foto: John Lidman/F 7/Försvarsmakten

On the outside, it does not show any significant differences, but they are there. The C-version has, among other things, reinforced landing gear to withstand heavier loads. The new APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) isalso significantly less noisy than the previous A-version.

It is on the inside of the aircraft the most significant differences lies including: the screens have become larger and are now in color. The navigation system now covers the whole earth, and instead of measuring the height and speed in meters and kilometers per hour, feet and knots are now used, something that is a challenge for both pilots and air traffic control personnel.

The reason that it is 1.div that has trained on the new version is that they in turn will train the four Thai pilots coming to F7 on 1th March. Initially, however 3.div is responsible for the training, and then on the A version, until the instructor at 1.div have reached the status required for taking over the education.

In the current situation there are two 39C at F7, one of which is borrowed from F21. These will be expanded to eight (5 C, 3 D) until it is time to school the Thai pilots. A and C versions are single-seaters, while the B and D versions are two-seaters.

Flotilla simulators are also upgraded. The MMT-simulator (multi-mission trainer) was completed a week ago, and the larger FMS Simulator (full-mission simulator) will be completed this summer.

(Source in swedish)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brazilian decision on fighters by the end of March

According to Brazilian news site Último Segundo, Brazilian Air Force Brigadier Juniti Saito states that the Brazilian government is expected to announce by the end of next month what type of fighters that will be bought by the Brazilian Air Force.

Information disseminated by the press recently states that the Air Force has a preference for the Gripen NG, which is the cheapest of the three models and offer greater participation by Brazilian industry as it is a project still under development.

(Source in Portuguese)
(Google translation)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

METEOR promo vid

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

Here is a promotional video for Meteor missile. Since it has only been fired from Gripen yet, such an event is shown in the video.

SELEX Galileo’s IRST to provide stealth search and track function for Gripen Next Generation

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum 

SELEX Galileo has released a press release about IRST in Gripen.

SELEX Galileo is pleased to announce that Saab has selected the Infrared Search & Track (IRST) system SKYWARD-G to equip Saab’s Gripen Next Generation (NG) fighter.

IRST provides similar functionality to a radar without giving out electromagnetic radiation and can therefore provide full operational search and track functionality with a stealth capability. IRST can operate in highly cluttered environments to track single and multiple targets, and can also operate in slaved acquisition mode.

SKYWARD-G is a product of SELEX Galileo’s extensive experience in the field of infrared search and track airborne and naval systems and is the latest addition to the Company’s proven record in delivering innovative technology to customers.

The selection of the SKYWARD-G system follows the agreement signed in March 2009
between Saab and SELEX Galileo for the development of the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar Raven ES-05 for the Gripen Next Generation.

SELEX Galileo is a key provider of leading edge sensors for the most advanced fighters. With the Raven ES-05 and with the IRST, the Company will be guaranteeing the full mission effectiveness of the next generation aircraft Gripen NG.

(Source pdf)

Swedish fighters over Bodø

Spotted by madschristoffer at Military Photos Forum

According to Norwegian newspaper Avisa Nordland, Swedish Gripens have arrived to Bodø to participate in exercise Cold Respons.

JAS-Gripen aircraft will be in the period from Wednesday through Friday aircraft together with the Norwegian F-16 aircraft during the day as part of the run-up to the event.

(Source in Norwegian)
(Google translation)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saab extends the time period for the Swedish Air Force's anti-ship missile

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

Saab has signed a contract with FMV (the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration) regarding the introduction of life-extending measures for the Air Force's RBS15F anti-ship missile.

The contract that was signed between FMV and Saab involves the replacement of lifetime-limiting components and the implementation of extended testing in connection with the standard maintenance, which is continuously taking place at Saabs facility in Arboga.

The order is worth MSEK 77 with an option allowing the customer to extend the contract in the near future. The work is expected to take place over a 3-year period.

"The agreement makes it possible to cost-effectively maintain a missile system which, with extremely high performance, can be used by the Armed Forces for many years,” says Mats Pettersson, Head of division Logtronics within the Saab business area Support and Services.

RBS15F was put into service by the Swedish Air Force at the end of the 1980s as the main weapon for combating marine vessels. The missile was initially carried by the AJ37 Viggen but is now one of JAS39 Gripen's armaments.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Bildt in Brazil

Swedish Foreign Minister is writing on his blog about his visit to Brazil where he among other things have discussed Gripen with the Brazilian defence minister Jobim.

In this context, I also reiterated the government's support of the Swedish JAS Gripen as one of the options now valued for the Brazilian Air Force.

(Source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

First Gripen C arrives to South Africa.

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

The unofficial website on the South African Air Force reports about the first two Gripen C arriving to Cape Town. After being unloaded from the ships, the two planes were towed on the streets to the Ysterplaat Air Force Base.

Pictures and full story can be found here.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Critique against choosing french fighters

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

Brazilian news site Último Segundo reports about an open letter from Ciesp (Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo). In the letter it is claimed that the Brazilian government is acting "contrary to the logic of rationality" when they prefer the French bid for F-X2.

"The French game, if chosen, will be a defeat for the Brazilian people, because we will lose the opportunity to become sovereign and independent as a nation and as a power," says the text sent by the regional Ciesp of Sao Jose dos Campos, which brings about 60% of companies in the aerospace and defense Brazilian.

(Source in Portuguese)
(Google translation)

Incidents limits flights with Gripen

According to Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter the use of Gripen in the Swedish Air Force will be limited due to two minor incidents lately. One involving the ejection handle and the other one involving the G-suite. the incidents are being investigated and normal operations will hopefully be resumed by the end of the week.

The Gripen crash outside Vidsel in Norrbotten 2007 was caused  by an error to the ejection handle.

(Source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The SAAF, the World Cup and Gripen

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

The unofficial website on South African air force has posted an article about the use of Gripen in the World cup this summer.

Gagiano says that both the missile-armed Gripen D and the missile and cannon-armed single-seat Gripen C fighter will be deployed to safeguard the soccer event. Nine Gripen D aircraft have already been delivered, with the first Gripen C expected to arrive within the next few days. At least four Gripen C fighters are likely to be in the country for the World Cup.

Read the full article here.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cheaper Gripens to Brazil

Yesterday Folha Online reported that Brazil had choosen the French Rafale after Dassault lowered the price by $ 2 billion. Defence minister Jobim denied today that any decision was taken and now Boeing and SAAB states that they are prepared to lower their prices as well.

In the article today, director of the Swedish Saab in Brazil, Bengt Janer, says he is willing to offer a lower price for the Gripen NG

(Source in Portuguese)
(Google translation)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Air refueling with the Gripen

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

During the week, the Swedish Air Force is doing an air refueling campaign with the French and Polish Air Force. The objective of the Swedish Air Force is to give basic training to pilots in air refueling and renewed training to pilots who previously completed the training.

Foto: Försvarsmakten

The campaign is carried out in LSS / TUJAS 39: auspices (Air Combat School / Tactical - and technological development). Air refueling will be done by a French KC-135 which is normally based at Istres in southern France, but for this campaign based in Poland.  From there, the tanker has a day to fly to the practice area of the Baltic Sea and up to 5 hours per day of air refueling for the Swedish JAS 39 Polish F-16. the tanker flies under the minions who is an international cooperation program in which nations will contribute with different abilities, including air refueling and transport. Sweden participates in the FEEDER with C-130 as transport aircraft.

Basic Training of the Swedish pilots is implemented at F17 which provided most of the flight of the JAS 39 during this campaign. Gripen aircrafts from F21 and FMV in Linköping participate from their home units. Air refueling enables this without a stopover in southern Sweden beeing needed.

Foto: Pernilla Bökman / Försvarsmakten

As part of the Gripen User's Group're observers from the Czech Republic, Hungary and South Africa visits F17 during the week to comply with air refueling operations on site and to share experiences.
The Swedish education consists of theory and practical experience. The practical experience comprises four flight sessions, where the first of them is in a two-seat JAS 39D with an air refueling instructor. During the subsequent sessionsair refueling is conducted with in a straight track and in turns with various loading options. During a session up to 20 connections can be carried out by one aircraft.
(Source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

SAAF unveils new IRIS-T missile

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

A little over two years ago it was announced that SAAF would buy the IRIS-T air to air missile as an interim solution until development of the South African designed and built A-Darter is complete. At the SAAF parade at Swartkop airfield on Friday 29th January it was seen for the first time in public on a SAAF Gripen.

this missile is the state of the art high kill probability short range air missile with unrivalled performance capabilities which, when coupled to a helmet mounted display can engage air threats in the rear quarter of the aircraft as is the case with the SAAF Gripens


Friday, January 29, 2010

Danish decision on fighters may be postponed

Swedish newspaper NyTeknik is reporting today that Denmark may postpone their purchase of new fighters and that this might be positive for the Gripen. It seems to be mostly speculations but it would be interresting if it turns out to be true. A postponment of the fighter purchase, that would be the most expensive defence procurement in the Danish history, would probably require the remaining F-16 aircrafts to be upgraded to support a longer lifetime and that could turn out to be expensive.

A decision to postpone the renewal of the Danish fleet of combat aircraft can provide both the Swedish Saab new hope and also breathing space to implement the other stores in the world....

...the Danes have the opportunity to wait and see whether other countries invest in the purchase of new Gripen to come.

(Source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Thais gear up for Gripen

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

The first group of Thai Air Force technicians have arrived in Sweden for their initial maintenance type conversion course on the Gripen fighter.

Photo: Per Kustvik

Training is underway at the Swedish Armed Forces Technical school in Halmstad and will continue until the end of the year. The technical training also includes a On the Job Training (OJT) part at the Swedish Air Force Wings F 7 in Såtenäs and F 17 in Ronneby. As part of their training, technicians spent time at Saab’s Gripen manufacturing hub in Linköping. The technicians’ training programme forms part of Thailand’s 2008 procurement contract for six Gripen fighter jets.

In a parallel initiative, Air Chief Marshal Itthaporn Subhawong, Commander in Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF), met with Lt. Gen. Carlo Gagiano, Chief of the South African Air Force to discuss areas of mutual interest, including Gripen and its introduction into the SAAF. The chiefs met at Air Force Base Makhado, home to South Africa’s Gripen fleet.

The visit also emphasized both countries’ commitment to co-operate and promote bilateral relations.

The RTAF also signed a contract with the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) to supply it with a Saab 340 AEW Erieye airborne surveillance system and another Saab 340 aircraft for training and transport. They will be delivered in December 2010.


Demonstration of Gripen in Linköping

Spotted by signatory at Military Photos Forum

Swedish Minister of Defence Sten Tolgfors visited SAAB in Linköping the 25th of January. He was briefed about SAAB's efforts to export Gripen, the ongoing progress on the Gripen NG as well as several UAVs SAAB is working on at the moment, including the Neuron project. He writes about the visit on his blog:

The impression I got was that extensive flights are progressing with great success and that there are many indications that the Gripen NG might even be better than expected.

(Source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thai cabinet approve Air Force to buy additional Gripen fighters

Spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

Thai newspaper The Nation reports that the cabinet has approved the air force request to buy Gripen fighters for a second squadron, bringing the total number of Gripen C/D in the Thai air force to 12.

The planned spendings will cover the aircraft procurement, pilot training, repair and maintenance system and ground service preparations for deployment.


Swedish underdog fights for IAF contract

Spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

Hindustan Times has an article about the IAF testing the Gripen IN for the MMRCA competition.

The IAF carried out trials on the demo aircraft at the Vidsel missile test range in Sweden last December. It will undergo trials in Bangalore, Jaisalmer and Leh in March to test performance in diverse climates.

Full article at Hindustan Times

RTAF seeks approval to buy six more Gripen

Spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

According to Bangkok Post the Thai air force is seeking approval to buy six Gripen jet fighters in addition to the six already ordered, and hopes the submission will be approved by the cabinet today.

The air force had hoped to decommission its 12 US-made F-5 E/F fighters, in operation at the Surat Thani-based Wing 7 for 30 years, once it took commission of 12 new Gripen 39 C/D fighter jets.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Swiss forces are effectively ‘broke’

spotted by Swingrole at Military Photos Forum

According to AirForces Monthly the Swiss armed forces are having financial troubles. Their plans to replace the fleet of F-5E Tiger II, where Gripen is one of three candidates, might have to be postponed until 2015. which point it may become a decision on a suitable type to replace both the F-5 and F-18 fleets, rather than just the Tiger from 2020


Thursday, January 14, 2010

RTAF technicians in Sweden

Spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

Right now the first RTAF engineers are acquainting themselves with the JAS 39 Gripen - and the Swedish winter chill.

photo: Hallandsposten

(Source in Swedish)
(Google translation)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Switzerland fighter replacement appears set for indefinite delay

Spotted by Swingrole at Military Photos Forum

IHS Jane’s reports today that the Swiss defence minister has called for the fighter procurement programme to be delayed indefinitely. The Swiss procurement of fighter aircrafts involve three candidates: Rafale, Eurofighter and Gripen.

This is at odds with a government announcement also made in October that reaffirmed Switzerland's commitment to purchasing a partial replacement for the air force's 54 Northrop F-5E/F Tiger II multirole fighter fleet. Additionally, Swiss media reports on 5 January suggested that the cabinet was committed to the original timescale.


The final decision will be political

Spotted by Stonewall71 at Military Photots Forum 

Ce n'est pas une décision exclusivement militaire

In hindsight of the news from Brazilian newspaper Folha that the Brazilian air force prefers the Gripen, French newspaper Libération has published a statement by the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Celso Amorim. He says that the final decision is always political, implying that the French Rafale is still a very much possible choice for the Brazilian government even though it is not preferred by the air force or the Brazilian industry and is evidently much more expensive both to buy and to use.

(Source in French)
(Google translation)

SELEX Galileo signs an MoU with ATMOS Sistemas for the development of AESA radar technology in Brazi

Spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

According to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between Selex Galileo of Finmeccanica and ATMOS Sistemas (ATMOS) of Brazil.

Initial focus will be on the Raven ES-05 AESA fire control radar for the Saab Gripen NG, which is competing strongly in the Brazilian Air Force new fighter programme, and on aircraft future configurations.

The whole article can be found here.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Brazilian air force prefers the Gripen

spotted by Signatory at Military Photos Forum

It's not official information, but according to Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, FAB prefers Gripen over the two other FX-2 contestants. According to the newspapers Gripen came in on first place, Super Hornet second and French Rafale is the least preferred of the three.

This would mean that Gripen is preferred by the industry AND the air force as well as being the cheapest alternative to buy. President Lula da Silva would need really strong political reasons to chose the Rafale now.

(Source in Portuguese)
(Google translation)